EMC testing during development

Check your devices by yourself.
eMI LAB by gkteso.

Check your devices by yourself.
eMI LAB by gkteso.

Individualized EMB-Measurements specifically for your requirements with gKteso EMV-Lab

Easy and fast development-accompanying EMC tests directly on-site

eMI LAB by gkteso
The EMI-Lab’s impressive details

The EMI-Lab’s incredible technical specifications and dimensions allow you to perform a wide range of EMC test variants

Secure product development with EMI LAB

Individualized EMB-Measurements

Optimize development time

Individualized EMB-Measurements specifically for your requirements with gKteso EMI-Lab

EMC testing during developmentOptimize development time

Increased Turnover: Increase productivity through trouble free operations with the EMI-Lab BY gKteso

eMI LAB by gktesoCHECK YOUR DEVICES by yourself

Save money with the gKteso EMI-Lab: Troubleshooting before production

Branches independent EMI-LAB SOlutions